Showing posts with label intentions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intentions. Show all posts

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Years Gone By, Years Ahead

It has been several years since my last post. I've been wanting to get back to writing, so I'm trying this format out again. A ton of stuff has happened over the years, as I know it has for everyone, so I am not going to try to get you all caught up on events, but instead I'll reflect in future posts.

The new year is here and I decided to skip the resolution tradition. I turn 50 in two years and am feeling pretty introspective. I am dedicating the next 26 months to creating my most healthy, happy, gracious, strong, soulful Self so that I can ring in my half century with full, glorious force.

I am going to continue running (my favorite form of self-care), maybe throw in another half marathon or two; I am going to spend more time being quiet and just listening to what is happening around me; I am going to amp up my nutrition and cool down my drinking (yes, I am serious about that-things are changing as I am getting older, and my body doesn't like the booze so much any more); I am going to lessen my screen time and rekindle my love of books; I am going to say thank you more often and be kinder than what is necessary; I am going to be more intentional with my language and speak deeply and slowly from my heart; I am going to walk away from toxicity and be gentler on my Self; I am going to be more giving and flexible in my relationships; and I am going to try to keep my cynicism in check. On a larger level, I want to do more for animal welfare and for the Earth. Certainly there will be more added to this list as I delve into this leg of my life.

Overall, what I hope for in the second half of my life is to be more spiritually awake and less of an impact on the planet.

As time moves as it does, I find myself amazed at the process of aging. How did this happen? Really, though, where DID the years go? How many sunsets and full moons? How many tears and how much laughter?
Life is so short!
Honestly if we aren't doing things to make ourselves happy now, when will we ever be truly happy?
What if there is no later?
Now is the option.

Okay, okay. I'm getting all existential, when I want to take life less seriously and just get my groove on in the moment...and I just mostly wanted to wish everyone Happy New Year...thanks for checking in!
